Right now I am sitting in the airport, gate D40, waiting for my flight to Vancouver. The airport is one of the few places I love people watching – I know, a bit peculiar but it’s fascinating to see the folks coming back from their adventures and even more fascinating to see the folks about to begin new ones. You can see the excitement in their faces; they could be travelling to a new place they have never been to before, they could be going to see family or friends they haven’t seen in a while, or they could merely be excited to experience the rush of takeoff (mind you, the latter is something I would avoid for the rest of my life if I could; takeoff is one thing I will never enjoy no matter how many times I travel by plane). Being at the airport gets me excited about Vietnam; in exactly 1 month and 1 day, I will be sitting at a gate, waiting for my flight, about to begin my adventure of working and living abroad in a foreign country for eight months. Something tells me that after Vietnam, I’m going to get addicted to travelling, especially because I never took advantage of the opportunities I had to travel while growing up. To be completely honest, I think Vietnam is going to catch me by surprise; as I've said in a previous blog post, I have a few more things to look forward to before the placement abroad, one of them being a trip to Cuba with three of my girlfriends. It’s going to be amazing to spend a week with them before I leave, and I’m definitely going to miss the heck out of them while away.